
Friday, April 8, 2011

Brunch & Break Up Talk

 Event Date:Friday April 1, 2011

 I took a mini staycation* to take a break from my day job and to perform a much needed  self reset. I wanted to take time to work more on the things I love such as my writing but also to explore the place I grew up but never got a chance to see before I left for college (NYC).

It was a nasty rainy and cold day but I was determined to start my staycation off right. I woke up, got all dolled up, grabbed my crappy umbrella purchased from my neighborhood  corner store bought, and ventured out to meet up with my close friend Chris at Peaches restaurant located in the Bedford Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn NY.

The day of course didn't start without its hiccups. I locked myself out of my apartment and then took the bus in the wrong direction to the restaurant. I got cursed out by the bus driver for not knowing where I was going. Then I was Molested with the eyes of an attractive fellow traveler. Finally, I tripped over a passenger in a wheelchair when my leg got caught in one of his wheels on my way off the bus. The attractive traveler laughed at me but I primped my curls held my head high and continued on the journey to meet my friend. I heard that Bed -Stuy had gone through some changes but I was pleasantly surprised. The restaurant was beautiful.
I promptly ordered my first glass of white wine at 11:30 in the morning (judge me if you want to... It was 5 o'clock somewhere). Then we got into the full swing of things talking about the men and lack there of in our lives.

I will be visiting Peaches restaurant again. The food was great, our server was attentive, and the background music added to the calm and urban setting. I felt like I was at home on my couch with my play list on my speakers dishing about our latest cautionary tales or conquests.

We discussed everything from divorces, to bi-curious men. There was enough drama to rival any soap opera, an episode of The Game, and Noah's Arc combined. In the end, we could both say we made it through some crap with enough heart to keep looking for love in this crazy world. The best part though was that we both felt close to our separate happy endings or maybe the happy hopeful feeling was from my wine and the rum concoction my friend was drinking.

*Staycation: A vacation in your hometown.

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20 Something Serial Monogamist with a distinct point of a view. I am a lover of love who is interested in disecting the physical reasoning behind love vs. the emotional reasoning.