
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Out of the Single Box

I'm referring to the box you check on every form that is important like a job application or your W-4. If you don't have a ring on your finger or you've been separated for a certain period of time you are expected to check the single box.

I've checked that box with a smirk on my face all of my adult life because I looked at it as a technicality. I have always had a boyfriend. For a very brief moment I was out of the single box because I was able to put a check in the married box. Now, I'm back in the single box and for the first time it's true (insert gasp)! There's no husband or boyfriend or gentlemen callers who are serious about me.

About Me

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20 Something Serial Monogamist with a distinct point of a view. I am a lover of love who is interested in disecting the physical reasoning behind love vs. the emotional reasoning.